Tweet Tastings

White Peak Tweet Tasting 26th June 2024

White Peak Tweet Tasting 26th June 2024

On Wednesday the 26th of June 2024 I took part in...

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Arbikie Distillery Tweet Tasting 19th June 2024

Arbikie Distillery Tweet Tasting 19th June 2024

On Wednesday the 19th June, I was fortunate to...

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Cu Bocan Tweet Tasting on 24th April 2024

Cu Bocan Tweet Tasting on 24th April 2024

On Wednesday the 24th April I took part in my...

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Glasgow Distillery Tweet Tasting 27th March 2024

Glasgow Distillery Tweet Tasting 27th March 2024

On the 27th March 2024 I was fortunate to have...

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Whisky of the Year

Whisky Resource Whisky of the Year - Monthly Nominees

Whisky Resource Whisky of the Year - Monthly Nominees

In January 2024 I announced that I would be, at the end of each month, nominating whiskies that I...

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Recent Blog Posts

Back for the Whisky Blog Post 1a (republished): Inaugural & SMWS None Codes

Back for the Whisky Blog Post 1a (republished): Inaugural & SMWS None Codes

This Inaugural Whisky Blog Post! Announces that...

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About the Whisky Value Score

About the Whisky Value Score

Reviewing & Scoring WhiskyHow the Whisky...

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The end of Whisky Resource, The start of Back for the Whisky

The end of Whisky Resource, The start of Back for the Whisky

If you have been following me for a while or been...

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Whisky Reviews

Glen Scotia Malt Festival 2024 Review

Glen Scotia Malt Festival 2024 Review

Thanks to Brian @MaltMustings on Twitter (X) for...

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Loch Lomond Distillery Edition 5 Review

Loch Lomond Distillery Edition 5 Review

Thanks to Brian @MaltMustings on Twitter (X) for...

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Glen Moray 12 Year Old Review

Glen Moray 12 Year Old Review

I received a sample of Glen Moray 12 Year Old...

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